Roleplaying engages the whole person kinaesthetically to practice and transform learning beyond the classroom so that they ‘own’ their learning and put their new behaviours into practice. Corporate training models can take different forms: it can be interactive, or performative; one-on-one or group. It can be intended to practice new skills and behaviours and to evaluate and select recruits.
Why use roleplay?
Corporate training business model provides effective opportunities for our clients to achieve business goals in an efficient and cost-effective way with dramatic results for employees and stakeholders.
- Fast-tracking performance improvement and managing poor performance
- Develop agility and creative problem solving
- Preparing for and managing change with sustained behaviour change
- Evaluating existing training programs
- Practical strategies for managing challenging situations
- Evaluating potential recruits
- Developing the leaders of tomorrow
- A direct and tangible impact on performance
- Enhanced well-being through learning satisfaction

If you are not familiar with using corporate role play in your programs, we can also design the scenarios and evaluation tools. Roleplay Australia employs the most talented and experienced corporate role play actors who can, extremely truthfully, play out various real-life scenarios for you and your team. Our training sessions are intended to build confidence, listening skills, and communication skills required to achieve the best training and recruitment results.
Whether an organisation is a large or small employer, operates a busy Assessment Centre or making a one-off hire, the recruitment process can be time-consuming and fraught when it comes to selecting the most suitable person for a position. It’s an even more expensive and difficult process when people who are employed, once in the job, are found to be unsuitable, or decide the position is not for them.
Our role play for recruitment consultant works with a number of employers to create authentic, typical and consistent behaviours so candidates can be accurately assessed in a simulation of workplace situations. Once candidates have been through an initial screening process, our corporate role play actors work face-to-face with candidates while an assessor observes their ability to meet the demands of the job and learns about their communication, behaviour style and problem-solving skills while under pressure.
The investment of engaging Roleplay Australia, one of the most prominent role play companies in the country, saves time and resources in the long-term to ensure people who best fit the position and the organisation are selected. Providing a consistent, balanced, evidence-based assessment of all candidates also reduces issues arising where a candidate may otherwise feel disadvantaged.

Training and development activities:
Bringing professional corporate role play actors into training programs has two benefits. Firstly, participants can practice skills while they are learning so the trainer can progress a corporate training model, confident that learners have achieved milestones. Secondly, roleplays are used at the latter stage of training to assess participants before they return to the job. They are vital in assessing the practical communication and behavioural components of certification courses.
Typically, the corporate role play actor takes the role of whoever the participant may regularly interact with and is especially valuable in sensitive and critical areas. For example, our work has been valuable with The NSW Police when interviewing children requires sensitivity and with Emergency Services in critical situations requiring calm, immediate and safe actions to be taken in urgent and difficult situations.
Other clients have been managing change in the workplace through the introduction of new technologies, systems and management structures. In these cases, our corporate role play actors have portrayed old and new behaviours and our corporate training models also facilitated simultaneous programs to improve the acceptance and engagement levels during changing workplaces.
Our corporate role play actors are regularly engaged by Universities, Licensing Bodies and the Training and Registration arms of Government and Corporate Organisations to ensure the results of practical assessments and examinations are reliable, fair and fit for purpose.
In an individual assessment, the authenticity and consistency of the roleplay supports the assessor to make a reliable and fair evaluation of each candidate’s ability to fulfil the requirements of the role or program. Individual roleplays are most widely used as they provide specific individual feedback on every participant or candidate. Especially useful within examination or assessment activities, they free the assessor to observe the candidate’s responses in a controlled environment, that meets all the rules of assessment. By using professional roleplayers, every single roleplay is assured to be consistently presented and ensures every candidate has the same opportunity.
When a corporate training business model is applied to a group, a participant often has a number of opportunities to observe and find a more effective means of communicating or resolving a problem in preparation for the real event.
Roleplay Australia uses professional corporate role play actors to bring a sense of realism to training and assessment programs to vastly increase their effectiveness. Because the simulated settings are lifelike it gives organisations a reliable tool to assess, measure and train their staff for unexpected situations such as dealing with difficult customers or critical response events.
Forum Roleplay
Roleplay can also be a “performance” by actors who are “playing” “Roles” that occur in a real-life-work situation to help the participant or group take a back seat and observe what is happening. Corporate training models can be designed strictly as a performance, or they can include the ability to interact with the players in the scene, where actors remain in role and receive feedback and “direction” from the audience as for a forum discussion.
“Forum” Roleplay is also useful to get a message across to a large number of participants at the one time, where one-on-one roleplay activities are not possible. “Forum” provides speedy, effective, non-confronting feedback to participants as they observe adjustments in the corporate role play actor’s behaviour and see the changed results. The audience gain increased awareness of communication methods which can be taken back into the workplace. The task remains for the participant to be motivated and skilled enough to implement that change in their own work practices. Ideally, forum roleplays would be followed by individual role plays to practice that scenario.